> IR > Events
No | Title | Writer | Date | Views |
11 | Plumline Life Sciences Participated in the Animal Health In… | admin | 18-10-29 | 6949 |
10 | Plumbline Life Sciences Inc. to Participate in Upcoming Conf… | admin | 18-08-24 | 6890 |
9 | Plumbline Life Sciences Inc. & APIAM Signed Distribution Agr… | admin | 18-07-26 | 6930 |
8 | Improving Performance in a Sustainable Pig Industry | admin | 18-07-18 | 6901 |
7 | Plumbline Life Sciences Inc. in IPVS 2018(Chongqing, CHN) | admin | 18-06-21 | 6720 |
6 | Role and Mission of Veterinary Medicine in the Key Industruy… | admin | 17-12-08 | 6832 |
5 | IVI Global Vaccine Forum at Seoul (Nov. 15) | admin | 17-12-08 | 6901 |
4 | ISV conference at Paris (Oct. 4~7) | admin | 17-12-08 | 7141 |
3 | Participated at K-Small Giants Investment andExport Fair in … | admin | 17-12-06 | 6843 |
2 | Participated at VCS (Veterinary Cancer Society) Congress in … | admin | 17-12-06 | 6786 |
1 | 2017 33rd World Veterinary Congress | 관리자 | 17-11-30 | 6772 |